Burton Step on, Ruler, Custom-min
Burton Step on, Ruler, Custom-min

Why I chose Burton Step Ons over Clew, Flow, or Nidecker Supermatics


Here are some more context to give you background on my decision:

  • I actually own a Burton Step On + Burton Ruler (SO) . Loving it, running it to the ground, and it’s the gift that keeps on giving!
  • I do not own Clew, Flow, or Nidecker
  • I’ve ridden my Step Ons for the latter half of winter 2023

Oversimplified, Burton just checks everything I wanted in a quick entry/release binding system:

It makes my board lighter to carry

(on snow and also during air travel) since the binding itself is lighter (lightest out of all the competition)

It’s tried and tested

It’s not going to fall when you ride, when you crash, or when you ride the lift.
Also, it’s not like the other bindings have a tendency to come undone but rather this was a big point for Burton to lose. If you said that the Step Ons are only secure 95% of the time, trust, they’d be at the bottom of the competition right now and they wouldn’t be popular and no one would buy them. So this is a criteria they had to 10/10.

It’s actually just quick to get in and out with little to no compromise.

I’d say that the only “payment” you have to do with this system is the learning curve. But this isn’t specific to Step Ons anyways since with the other bindings, you’d still have to learn their own respective systems.

With Clew, you’re basically walking around with half of your binding.
Supermatics is my closest one. Honestly I was committed to buying Step Ons but when it came out, it got my attention and made me say: “hold on hold on…let’s not buy yet. maybe this is better…”.

But based on the videos it just looks like you have to get it right perfectly every time. The entry of your foot is way better compared to Flows, but I’ve tried Flows before and the “step in motion like a shoe” feels like it’s perfect when you’re on flats.

Burton is different too, compared to traditional bindings, but I find Burton’s to be more practical.

(that you can overcome; that I had to get over)

Sure Burton Step Ons are not perfect and there were some challenges along the way. At the end of the day you know that I still got them but it’s definitely worth quickly mentioning those too. You might have the same concerns.


Definitely can’t ignore this. It’s expensive and you have to buy bindings and boots. I overcame this because I remembered I had work benefits and I realized I had to get a more proper-fitting boots anyways. If I didn’t have this factor down, then I probably still would not have bought it…yet.

I was also dreaming of getting the Genesis Step Ons too and maybe the fancy boots (e.g.: Swath/Photon). But when I really wanted it and I was in the store, it was just regular Step Ons and Ruler available, which turned out to be more than enough for me actually and exactly what I needed. That helps to lessen the total price 😀

The Version 1 problems

Well these are cons but they aren’t really cons for you to fix but rather Burton’s. I’m talking about the bugs of the first version they have like (to name a few):

  • the clicking noise
  • boots too stiff (even Ruler) that it was borderline hard to ride
  • if they were ever going to innovate on this (yup, they marketed this hard this year and last) and if they were going to offer more boot options and open it to other brands (yup, DC and Nitro so far)

With regards to the clicking noise, they fixed it with the upgraded toe clips (so I was like: yey). Immediate after that, I saw vids online of the new clips being easily breakable. This got me worried and made me hold off. I was thinking, “ah, this is another prototype phase I need to ride out”. But then after a while I figured it was a very edge case and even if it happened, you can easily take apart your Step Ons and replace only that broken part. That’s good. I thought I’d have to buy and risk on a lemon :/

Wrap Up

I’ve been keeping an eye on this product ever since it came out. I truly think it’s revolutionary. Connecting yourself to the board should be quick and easy with no compromise. I’ve been waiting for a while for the bugs to be resolved and they have been and there’s mass adoption now (which means more tests) and the stars aligned for me (and my pocket), so there you go 🙂

Don't miss: Check out my more recent review of the Burton Step On and Ruler after a season of use!
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