I’m telling you right now if you’re a boomer or just looking for ammo to troll Step-ons, this article isn’t it. This article talks about how I enjoyed and sucked the life out of my pair and how I reverse-journey’d to straps. I’ll explain my experience, how I got there, and why I decided so.
First, let’s get things straight
I love and respect Burton as a brand and I think they aced it with Burton Step-ons. Do I think all snowboarders should be using them? No. Am I actively recruiting people who uses strap bindings to switch? No. I think both have their pros and cons and nothing in this universe is telling us it has to be one way or the other. So stop trolling whichever side you’re rooting for.
Just enjoy the mountain.
As far as my bindings are concerned, nothing broke with my Step-ons. Nothing happened that caused me to get turned off and abandon the thing. It really was and is awesome. In fact, it’s still working and it has a new owner!
So what happened and why did you switch?!
Just stars aligning and it was an opportunity for me to try new things. I recently got my girlfriend into snowboarding too and she loved the idea of Step-ons from the get-go. It’s especially a good incentive for beginners when they’re struggling to just simply balance and what more to strap and stand up.
So the opportunist me: “heeeeyyyy, why don’t you take my bindings then? Oh you know, high barrier to entry etc, so this helps!”. My girlfriend just wanted one anyways even before that suggestion so it was an easy sell nyehehehe.
and then here I am talking to my bank account “heyyy, so I don’t have a bindings anymoree..welp, gotta replace it”
You know how it goes hahaha
So why buy strap bindings?
Couple of reasons:
Really, just trying out new things
I’m “young” in terms of the sport. I’ve only been riding for a decade when my peers have 3x in their pockets. I haven’t tried that much hard goods since these things are long-lasting (not to mention expensive). So I’m really trying out new things. I’ve tried and used Burton Step-ons a lot now. I know they’re good for what they’re meant for. Something new now.
Intentionally making it harder for myself so I become a better snowboarder
The biggest value add for me with Burton is not only it saves you time strapping but it also saves energy. Back then when I’m low-intermediate, strapping up was a chore and I was not fit (still not LOL), so it was very beneficial to not have to burn energy when strapping.
Before I’d strap in and I’m tired already. It doesn’t help when you’re riding with fit skiers who just wants to haul ass.
I think Step-ons helped a lot and I think it was a good decision. The more energy I saved, the more energy I had to try new moves, tricks, terrains, etc. In short you have more capacity for learning and improvement.
I’ve recently attempted to gain a higher CASI certification and that certification class really exposed my shortcomings in terms of fitness, skill, technique, explosiveness, and longevity.
In a sense I felt like I’ve been mechanically-assisted for the longest time and that realization of “maybe I’m just weak”. So I’ve promised myself to improve more, ride more, and in terms of the bindings, seize the opportunity to go traditional, so that I can prove to myself that “it’s not the machine. It’s me who’s good”.
Lastly, I think traditional bindings can help me with Ollies, which is a mandatory skill for CASI 2. I realized this as I was teaching a never-snowboarded-before student.
You know when it was your first day and then the board accidentally points down the slope and it starts to speed down? and then you get scared and you lean on your tail like an intense butter? A student did that, fell on the snow after and when I saw his foot, the bindings turns out was loose (or the boot packed) and that his foot was almost 90º while sitting on snow.
And I just realized: “huh, that’s a motion that I don’t think Step-ons can do”.
You’re clipped from both sides of your foot and while you technically have lateral motion, maybe it might not offer the same as a traditional bindings, maybe. I don’t intend to twist my foot like that guy but I do need to tweak it a bit to initiate a deep ollie and also be able to grab.
Lastly, I really just wanted to try Union bindings lol
I’ve been Burton head to toe and I like it, but hey, don’t want to be a complete fanboy.
What did I get? 2025 UNION FORCES BABYYYY! Product review to come soon.
This year is also the year where Union released their Step On bindings too. Again, I was set to straps already and I don’t think it would’ve been drastically different than Burton’s. Burton wouldn’t let that happen since I’m sure the more you customize it, the more it compromises the integrity of it.
So was it a good and are you happy with your decision?
I’ve been riding for 2-3 weeks already and it’s been a blast. I’ll tell you one thing right off the bat though. It’s not a Union Force thing, it’s a strapped binding thing.
I. DO. NOT. MISS. THE. FUCKING. ANKLE STRAP PRESSURE ON YOUR BOOT. hahahaha! I can live with it and it’s just a minor inconvenience but it’s just funny. You notice it when you’re on the lift and your foot’s dangling, or when you really have to crank and tighten it up for a gnarly run lol.
Apart from that, the experience is great. It’s not that my happiness was hinging on what type of bindings I’m using to begin with.
I’ve gotten significantly better in terms of technique and fitness that I do not feel fatigue when I’m strapping at the top of the lift anymore. Even if I still did, that’s fitness I should physically overcome and improve, not buy a tool to resolve it.
Cranking the clicks of your binding is not a problem anymore since each click drives the binding deep already so usually when I strap in, I get to push the buckle deep and then just crank it 3-4 times and then I’m good to go.
I miss Burton’s lightness too. Traditionals will always be heavier due to the straps. This one I’m just being picky. The weight has no bearing on your performance, especially when you’re riding.
I get to pick cool boots too now again 😀
You do you. Pick what makes you happy. Get Step-Ons or traditional strap bindings, no one cares. Just ride, have fun on the mountain, and be safe. You can pick one of them now and switch to the other later. Nothing wrong with that. That’s what I did.