Les trains


I miss standing at a train station.

I miss looking at the schedule board and taking 5-10mins just to understand what the board says and where my train is and what time it will arrive/depart.

I miss not understanding it because it’s not written in a language that I understand.

I miss realizing that if I was in Toronto, it would take me 5 seconds, not even…but I would totally take 15minutes staring at the board, looking around, taking it all in, seeing what everyone’s doing…a world different from mine but a world I’d definitely come back to and live in.

Countries are redefined in my head already. My citizenship does not dictate where I could and should live and stay. The world is open to everyone. Like childhood, I know where my house is but I should walk to the next block or so and play with the kids if I want to have a good childhood.

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