Social Experiment: In dating, is it important for women to date someone who drives (Detailed)


Just recently, I just finished running a survey with surprising turn out of results and participation. “I and a friend of mine” (both men) have been debating for a while if cars and/or driving are a factor for women when it comes to dating men.

We are NOT running this survey to portray that women are shallow. We are running this survey because one of us believe that cars are a BIG factor for women for economical, logical, and logistical reasons.

For example:
– If two individuals are dating, distance can be factor. One of them can be living in a not accessible area (even for transit).
– If neither is driving, it will be difficult–especially for the girl–to go on a date and stay late if she has to worry about going home safely. My friend feels that these are important factors and can affect the guy negatively, especially in the early dating stages.
– If the guy does not drive, the whole dating process is subject to weather (and we have intense Canadian winters here)

Obviously, the other one thinks otherwise and believes that cars are not a factor at all, in any way for women.

WELL, ladies and ESPECIALLY GENTS, I have the results for you and boy is it a doozy. 3 years ago, I would’ve been shocked, but now, I’m actually not surprised at all with the results (and I actually understand women’s side) 🙂

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Further discussion:

In order for this report to be more accurate, I’ve placed some conditions/restictions and only these individuals who say YES to all can answer the survey (there’s only one question):

– Female (into men)
– Preferable between 18-30 years old
– Living in Canada
– NOT living in the downtown core of your city (e.g.: Not in downtown Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, etc)
– Ideally living just outside of your downtown core (or even suburbs areas in or out of your downtown city)
– Actively dating (In a relationship, going out with someone, entertaining certain people)
I’ve restricted the participants to only be Canadian since this only concerns individuals in Canada…or Texas….or Australia. What am I talking about? My hypothesis is that car is important for simple reasons:
– Distance: notice the similarities of the locations I mentioned? (sheer scale)
– Conditions: (we have intense Canadian Winter)
In other countries, these are not the case so it doesn’t make sense to involve them in the survey:
-Switzerland: cities are small, so is scale. Also their transit is very up there so either/both would not mind to commute. In fact that’s their primary mode of transportation. This information is verified by a Swiss coworker.
-Italy: They probably use vespas

Another restriction is that the participants have to reside outside downtown core. Why? If one of the dating couple resides downtown, the usual tendency is that most of their venues and events would occur downtown. It’s a given (at least here in Toronto that it’s understandable if you don’t drive if you live downtown–because why would you right?). This situation is most crucial if the woman in the dating couple is the one residing downtown (obviously the guy will have all the reasons to go downtown). If it’s the other way around, there’s still a high probability for them to meet downtown. If both live downtown, well, that’s pretty obvious.

As you can see, it’s a hands-down win for “pro-driving”. Men, well, it sucks to know that, but that’s the reality of it. More things to shell out for haha!

You can see my original survey here at:


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