The Ski Week 2019

The Ski Week 2019 – Obertauern, Austria


I REALLY don’t know why I’m posting this… five months after the event?! I definitely finished and uploaded the vid weeks after. I guess I just forgot the blog lol. So for the second time around, this is a preview of what it’s like to attend The Ski Week 2019 @ Obertauern, Austria.

For a full, comprehensive, and latest (2019) review of the overall event, click here!

Here’s the link for the first time I went. This one has more mountain footages in it.

Better late than never as they say! So here it is, the vid for this year!
Quick summary: it’s much more shorter than the previous year. I definitely had more fun the second time around. This time too I did more of the socializing (read: drinking, that’s The Ski Week 2019 for you) rather than snowboarding (like last year). All those mean there’s less footage time but trust me, it’s as fun if not better the second time around.

There’s more topless dudes in this videos too btw (yay for ladies?). I don’t know why or how but I only realized it as I was reviewing all footages when I got back. Hey, gender equality I guess.

My overall review for this year is pretty much the same as last year’s. I had a really great experience the first time around and to just maintain that expectation is a big deal already. They have done so as well 😀

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