Don’t ruin working from home / remotely for the rest of us


I just saw this article from BlogTO entitled “You can fake out your boss by working-from-patio at Jack Astor’s in Toronto this summer“. It’s basically a small booth in a bar where you can do a skype call in it and it’ll look like you’re working/in the office. I noticed that it’s also a sponsored post from Jack Astor’s so it’s paid ads.

Honestly, it’s funny. I liked it. I chuckled and enjoyed it. I like BlogTO and Jack Astor’s but after maybe less than 5s, it’s one of those things where you laugh but you’re cringing inside:

Like this guy

Why? Maybe I’m just “old” for what I’m about to say but..this joke can go sideways real hard, real fast. I’m one of the many who would prefer and thrive in working remotely situations. I was really happy when this was accelerated and made a norm during the pandemic. But I’m also aware that this “perk” can be taken back real fast.

Sure we laugh about it but then there are some people who will take it to heart. So many things I want to say but I’ll just wrap it up:

Don’t be stupid. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us.

I know there are people who know full well these are just jokes and it won’t stick and then there are people who are really just fuckers who actually working from home and abuse it to the max. C’mon man, at the very least you can do, at least hide it.

We got lucky that this became the norm during 2020. It was a paradigm shift and a necessity. Don’t give them ammo and give all industries and sectors to take it away from us. Don’t give them another paradigm shift to revert back 🙄